O.K. one more separate entry for today.
I have been meaning to blog for over a week and kept writing down different things I wanted to blog about. I had the most amazing day the on Thursday. It started out getting Victoria to school and Sebastian to the Miles'. O.k. so I had to wake Adam up to take Sebastian to see Luke. I guess when my friend offers to pick my kid up for a play date I should just let them. Victoria would have been late for school, but there was a late bus so she got to go to class without a pass from the office. Grace rocks! I was volunteering for the day and joined the other mom helping get the kids hand print and name on orange construction paper. I didn't reallize exactly what was being done and having seen the finished product I reallize that all the kids I helped including my own did theirs upside down. Oh well, they made cute black cats anyways. After we finished inking and washing the ink off the hands of all the kids we did some photo copying for the kindergarten. The paper cutting job I started last week had already been completed. I LOVE CUTTING PAPER! I was kind of sad, but ended up having a really cool conversastion with the other mom that I volunteered with. I also learned some copy machine stuff that I'm sure will come in handy in the future. (The other mom had 3 older kids.) We talked about our families, our faith, and some other stuff. Victoria had her first school program and Adam was able to join me. She is so prescious! We had a nice refreshment time after the program and I finished some stapling. After school I met my friend at home dropping off Sebastian, after the play date, who asked if Sebastian was always so easy going? Yep, pretty much. The only problems I really ever have with my kids is the sibling thing, and 98% of the time they get along great. My girlfriend and I had a great conversation that was sparked from something I had said pertaining to feminism the day before. We also talked about other stuff. With some convincing she stayed for lunch though I could only get her to eat PB&J. It was a nice conversation. At that point I was so greatful for the investing in relationships with others for the day and then I got a call from Sara with whom I had agreed to an experiment and we had been reading Hebrews simotaneously. Jessi had asked if I was doing the experiment, which was a challenge by someone in our church. I have so enjoyed the experiment and it has sent me spiraling off on other little journeys along the way. I was excited to say yes and looked forward to completing this weeks portion by meeting with my friend Sara. Sara was equally excited to work on the experiment with me. However, she received a call from her dad in Iceland whom she'd been playing phone tag with so we didn't have long to talk because I had already gotten there late. However, what we did talk about was really interesting. We had some of the same things to share and questions to find answers to. We put a to be continued on our conversation hoping that some time this weekend we might even be able to get away without our children somewhere comfortable and quiet to talk. I left Sara's to go meet my friend in line for a yummy dinner at Russels. Unfortunately dinner wasn't as yummy as it usually is, but the company more than made up for it. We spent dinner with 2 very good friends. After dinner we adjourned to their home where we met up with the 3rd member of their family. We haven't been able to spend much time with these friends lately, but love them dearly and miss our more frequent times together. Victoria ended up spending the night and Adam and I went home refreshed in a bit of a rush to see my one show I wait to see all week at 10 on Thursday. I had actually forgotten all about it until he said if you hurry you have a little more than 10 minutes to get home and watch ER. Yes, I am pathetically enough still watching, but I really don't think it's pathetic. I really enjoy it. Thursday was such an awesome day. I felt like each of the people I spent time with enriched my life more than they could ever know. I learned things about them, about myself. I was able to talk about God comfortably and it wasn't something I set out to do. I am convinced though that when we arm ourselves with the word of truth that God will give us even more of a desire to continue in that work. I am hungry for God's word and I have learned, been reminded, encouraged, and worshipped while spending time with God this week. It's funny how much of ourselves and our worries fade away when we focus on Him. I am thankful for this challenge that was presented to me and for all the people God allowed me to spend time with today!
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