Thursday, February 26, 2009

Playing Mommy

I use to love playing house, and now I get to play everyday!  I wish I always had this feeling of being a little girl with the peace and calm of being a mommy.  Being a "mommy" before I was a mommy was very different.  I now have babies that breathe, though sometimes labored.  I have a prince charming to kiss, though he sometimes smells like a cigarette and he doesn't even smoke.  I get to put the dishes away wherever I like and hang things together like pants with the other pants all facing the same direction and matching coffee mugs from matching brass hooks inside the glass cupboard.  I get to teach my children which one is the CUPBOARD to put the glasses in and which one is the CABINET where I store the pots and another to store the pans.  I get to play school everyday and I always get to be the teacher ;)  Maybe one of these days I'll let someone else have a turn.  I do get plenty of practice sharing though, my yummy dessert, my bed, my time, and my what could be an organized life.  I get to write checks and real ones with the address where I live printed on the front below mine and my husband's name.  I am the mommy, which means like when I was a little girl that I am the wife and no one else gets to be the husband except the man I married and vowed to spend the rest of my life with, for better or for worse, in sickness (no matter what kind) and in health.  He's not as easy as Raggedy Andy use to be, but he sure is a lot more fun, he makes me laugh without coming up with the jokes myself, and I prefer his hair, style, and well being his wife!  I am joyful because just like when I was a child there are ups and downs, but each day is an adventure, and I don't ever have to stop playing mommy!  Even someday when my children are grown and my oldest is half-way there I just realized the other day, I  will still be there mommy, and I will still be a wife, and I will get to play grandma, which I have never played before, and I hear it's even more fun than playing mommy, if that's even possible!


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