From something growing moldy in my wet Bible
My Bible absorbed a quart and a half of water at church last week. I decided to go throuh it and remove the paper toweling that two sweet girls placed between the pages to help absorb some of the water. I noticed that my Bible does smell moldy, and although some of my notes had been salvaged that I should put them somewhere else for now, so here is one little piece of paper transfered. I had read an email from a friend, and responded as follows:Thank you for the email. It really is encouraging to see God move. I know He is always moving even when we ccan't see it, but when you're praying for someone and even the smallest inprovement is made in their life it's exciting. It's kind of like a roller coaster. God is the roller coaster always moving. We stand in line and watch, with the anticipation of riding. However, when we actually get on and ride the wild ride that is Christianity, it is so more than we ever anticipated standing in line. As we clickity click up, praying and hoping, the free-fall down is so much more exciting! Feeling the wind in our face is exhilerating with our friends and family's arms in the air with ours, screaming. Isn't it funny that God often provides even more than we ask knowing that our hearts long for even more than our prayers express, especially when it would be impossible without God, renewing our faith and hope. We finish riding and beg for another go around, instead of being content to once again stand in line. Praise God for miracles. I will continue to pray, and know God will continue to provide answers to those prayers.
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