Friday, June 15, 2007


Yesterday both of my kids spent hours riding their bikes. Yes, 2 wheelers! Victoria, who had worked at mastering the 2 wheel bike before our move, picked it back up again in the matter of an hour. Excited for his sister's accomplishment, Sebastian decided he was done training I guess. He had me remove the training wheels from his back wheel. He had tried to pick out the proper size tool from the rachet? set before I went out to the garage. (I know how to use the tools, it doesn't mean they are called.) Anyways, he opened the set upside down and all the american and metric versions of the different sizes spilled all over the floor. Well, we had a lesson in how to read them and place them back where they belonged. It was a good bonding time.
So today I go out to see Victoria ride in circles in our garage counting to 120, which was at least 15 circles, and I see the training wheels from the Superman bike Sebastian got for Christmas on the floor. The Superman bike had been reserved by Sebastian, for when he turned 5. Well, his birthday was in March and he probably still needs a little more growing time before moving on to the Superman bike. However, the thing is that my 5 year old son got the tool kit, opened it correctly, found the proper size tools to use, and removed his own training wheels, replacing the bolts he removed after taking off his training wheels. I was so proud! He has not quite mastered the 2 wheel bike, but he knows how to put the training wheels back on if he needs to and how to remove them when he's ready. Although, with the persistance with which he has been practicing I don't see him trying to put training wheels back on.


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