Winter weather in a Las Vegas Summer?
Last night Victoria asked to play outside. (in the backyard of coarse) Sebastian was sleeping and I was emailing some old friends so I said go ahead. I went to check on her 3 minutes later and she was wearing her big fluffy winter coat. Now I know it cools down quite a bit when the sun goes down, but I can't even imagine how she would be dressed lets say in the middle of winter in Iceland. It was by the way 100 degrees during the day yesterday!
Hey woman,
Give me a call so we can set up a date and time for the book club meeting. I can't find your number.
First off night in the winter in Iceland starts about noon!!! Secondly you would have to stake her down because the wind blows between 50 and 70 mph!!!
Right now we are 4 weeks away from the longest day and it is light out all night. It gets dark enough for the street lights about midnight and stays like that until about 3:30am and then the sun goes back up. The temperature in in the mid to high 40's. I hope it's a little warmer this weekend. We are going to do some traveling.
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