Wednesday, October 20, 2004

There Are One billion Souls, But Only One You

To all of my hurting, confused, or lost friends. There are one billion souls, but only one you. Know how special you are. I love so many people. God is my first love, and I try to keep Him number one. TRY was the key word in that sentence. Sometimes I fail miserably. My husband is a big love in my life. I have two beautiful children that I cherish, even when I would like to pull my hair out due to frustration. Well, maybe I do the cherishing before and after those moments. I wish I could learn to cherish them through those moments as well. I thank God for the vast number of people that He has placed in my life. Yes, there are only so many hours in a day and days in a week, but no matter how many people I meet and come to love, I always have more to give. I love my life! I am not saying that every day is a pinic, but most days are, and even the hard days always have some flicker of light to keep us going. It is only when we close our eyes that we miss out, or when we stop listening that we don't hear. I was running the other night, O.K. I have been pretty much only running at night. However, I remembered something that I had forgotten. Sometimes it takes being in the darkness and focusing on things in the radiating light to see them most clearly. I am truly blessed and am so thankful. Thanks God!!!
Adam and I were at a gathering the other day with some good friends and some people that I hardly know. By the end of our time together I had learned more about both groups of people. I am glad that I was there to hear the stories and concerns. How will we/I know how to deepen relationships and grow as a person if I don't listen to what the people around me have to say. I only wish I would keep my mouth shut a little more and just listen. I heard a lovely woman express her deep passion for things of God and her passion to share them with others. I would love to be there when she shares her heart. I think that is going to take making a phone call or dropping by amidst the business of my day to hear what she has to say. If all she has to share are the precious words from the Bible, then I would be so lucky to hear them.


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