Just a reminder
While part of a small group of people, I was reminded that any encouragement to follow in Jesus' footsteps is a great reminder. Sometimes I too get caught up in the "we have to" or "we shouldn't" of following Father, and what it boils down to is any time I am encouraged to chase after Him is a good time. Yes, there will be times when I do not agree with a speaker whether it is someone in front of myself and thousands of other listeners or a group of 3 or 4 in the living room of a friend, who I know is well intentioned and so I listen. I try and not only listen, but hear their heart as well. If my friend is not on track, then I talk to my friend and with God we sort through it. When it isn't my friend I am listening to and hear the speaker go off track I pray for them and I know God will send their friends into their living room to talk with them. God is bigger than any of us give Him credit for. God will lead us on the path He has prepaired for us to follow. I am so glad to be on this journey with so many amazing friends called to so many different places. I am glad that we all aren't doing the exact same thing, how boring this journery would be. Instead it is exciting, sometimes scarey, often a riotous good time, and never boring, well except when I close my eyes to what is going on around me and sit at home sulking about what a boring life I have. However, that is an entirely new blog of its own. Besides my life is not my own. I traded it in for something so much more than myself. I am part of God's family, and it is so big and amazing, that boring is not a part of its vocabulary. Heck, the only family I know and understand is the one I was raised with, and as the oldest of 10 kids, that had opportunities to ride in Rolls Royce's and eat government cheese in my childhood I can say one thing life in a family is never boring or depressing. So, I am trying to keep my eyes open and be a part of a family even bigger and more exciting than anything I have ever known. What's funny about that is that I don't have to do anything to be a part of that family, but just like roller coasters it's always more exciting with your eyes open and your arms up in the air!
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