Saturday, January 07, 2006

Last night, Bubble Wrap, and America

Sebastian told me he didn't want to drain in the tub. I think he meant drown in the tub.
He also told me yesterday during the almost every week day race to the car down the school sidewalk, through the tears, "It's not fair, I was behind, Toria treated." Which I derived that he lost the race, why does there have to be a winner?
After their bath we went to put the kids to bed and after their story Sebastian asked (like he often does) "Would you lay with me a little bit while?" After I layed down he then asked if I would sing to him and I started in on Twinkle, Twinkle. He stopped me and said, "No, the Mm, Mm, Mm song." He was, to translate to paper asking me to hum, which pretty much means, would you hum Lullaby, because I only hum it because I don't know all the words. Then while humming my mind began to wander about words, which made me (don't ask me why) think of Madonna. She wrote a book that I just purchased from a dollar store. I guess she should stick to performing! I actually really enjoyed the book. I thought it was well written and nicely illustrated. There was even a moral to the story! You know she has that song Get Into The Groove Boy, which went through my head while still humming. Then I heard, "Sometimes a boss just has to dance," which conjured up disterbing memories of some "dancing" I wish I'd never witnessed. It was funny though, I guess. (It was the first time we watched a full episode of the office not surrounded by a bunch of its fan base.)

Now this has nothing whatsoever to do with this post, but I started to think about different songs and America, America use to be one of my favorite all time songs, I guess it still is. In its lyrics is a line, "Purple mountains majesty, ever fields of grain." I have been thinking of home, Wisconsin a lot lately. Maybe it has to do with falling in love with little Noi Matuzsak, and knowing I have two either nieces or nephews to be born in the next month. I am so excited, and yet it saddens me because I will not be there to share in the excitement or to help the new moms. When I was home in August I was on a run, when I was running by one of my parents neighbors hills that isn't there anymore! They tore down Haag's hill. It still kind of blows my mind when geography is changed like that. It was one of if not the highest hill in our town. Now it's not there any more. The Haag home is still elevated quite a bit above the road, but the road seems like it use to be even higher than their house, and that part of the hill is no longer there. Anyways, while on my run some of the new wild grass that was planted on the side of the road was blowing in the wind and it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. It was almost like ocean waves, but in tall blades of grass, which made me think of America, America, and so I sang it. You know I really don't hear songs like that one or really many other patriotic songs sung anymore, that makes me even more sad than not being home. Besides, I would be running that route more often and thinking those same thoughts more often or maybe I would become cold and callous to the idea that we aren't really a patriotic people anymore. Maybe that's good, maybe it's bad, I guess I just miss the music of a passionate people. 9-11 was a terrible tragedy and my heart goes out to all that suffered needlessly, but it was neat to see the patriotism that errupted in the aftermath. It's just too bad that it takes war or acts of terrorism to spark what use to be common practise. Everything seems so wishy washy to me. Maybe I need someone to lock me up, torture me, and see what I'm really made of, and what I truly stand for when push comes to shove. I'm not asking God, it's just an observation.

While watching Conan O' Brian, he informed us that when confronted by a shark that one should punch them. I guess Victoria is well beyond her years. A year and a half ago she was at an aquarium with her dad and reached her hand inside of a shark tank that shouldn't have been open and she punched the shark that the aquarium guys said very well might have bitten her!


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