Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Kids and a long day!

I have been alone with my children today for almost 12 complete hours, without so much as jumping on the treadmill. Running calms me! The only conversation I had with another adult was for a brief moment when I dropped off food to a mother of a 2 week old baby with a toddler and preschooler with chicken pocks. Thank goodness for the chicken pock shot. I was telling my kids what chicken pocks were because Sebastian was saying he wanted chicken pocks. Victoria after hearing that they are little sores that you get all over your body, that may itch, asked me if there was chicken inside the sores. I told her No, but that maybe whoever named them might have been pecked by a group of chickens and ended up with a bunch of little red marks, thus chicken pocks. All I know is that chicken pocks was a miserable week or so of my life! I have 2 scars from scratching. And now my son is asking for them?! Adam just got home though so I am going to go soak up some adult interaction. I know it's almost ten so it may be too late for a movie, but maybe we'll live on the wild side tonight. I was in bed by 10:30 last night!


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