Sunday, November 13, 2005

One More Time

Last night Sebastian in his most adorable 3 year old voice asked me at least 7 times, "One more time?" I had been picking him up and throwing him down onto a love sack. I am so thankful for those moments. I am thankful for two beautiful, healthy, fun children! I am also thankful for the t-shirt I ran by at least 4 times this morning during the pre-test for my marathon, which read, "ONE MORE MILE." Although I had plenty more than one more mile each time I read it, it reminded me to take it one mile at a time. Yes, 20 seems hard. I'd only run 20 one other time in my life, but when you just think one more mile before you know it you've actually run past the 20 and done an extra half mile. I am excited for marathon day! I will finally get to run one and I will be able to stay up late and hang out with my friends again, who are feeling neglected. After pizza and 2 margaritas from a yummy machine, with strawberry sryup I did learn that I need to be totally hydrated and eat a good carb full meal before the actual marathon. Now I need to go prepair to help with a triathalon, which will keep me from hanging with my friends yet another night :( , but it will be good encouragement to some athletes who will be running a marathon after biking 112 miles after swimming 2 1/2 miles. Now those are some CRAZY people!

Monday, November 07, 2005


O.K. it is almost 4 in the a.m. I am up reading and posting. I also spent some time looking at houses in Raliegh area and Wisconsin. We have some good friends moving to the Raleigh area, (North Carolina?) I am horrible at Geography. ANYWAYS! I am not planning on moving any time soon. Lisa just got me looking and then I always like to check Wisconsin for fun. You never know I could find an inexpensive summer home there????!!!!! Hey, a girl can dream can't she. In my KILA inspired dream heaven, I will be travel to see all of the people I care about without traveling. I don't mind traveling, but I wish I could make dinner plans at the drop of the hat with whomever I chose. I really miss my parents, siblings, and last remaining grandparent. I miss other family too, but there are so many in Wisoncsin that it would take a long time to list them all. Lisa was looking at a photo I have on my frig of Victoria and Sebastian in my parents immediate backyard. She said she didn't know it was so beautiful. As much as that made me happy it made me just as much home-sick. Sometimes the cactus and dirt really get to me.
I was suppose to run 16 today. I missed getting up this morning to run with my group, so I ran alone again the second long run in 3 weeks. I have been staying up too late to get up at 5 a.m. and drive across town. So, anyways I know I didn't run 16, but I'm hoping it was at least 12. I need to clock it which for me requires driving all those miles for no other reason than to read the odometer. What a waiste of gas! I know I need to get one of those GPS watches, but I'm too cheap. Besides the next running equipment I have my eye on is an MP3 player. My tape player quit on me and I figure I could get use to carrying less weight and upgrading to newer technology. I wish I was a little more technology friendly. I have been scoping them out and think I will be purchasing on Ebay before the marathon. A more technologically confident friend recommended a unit put out by Creative. I think I've narrowed it down and am almost ready to make the plunge. I wish Adam would get his court shoes first though. He keeps getting yelled at by the gym employees and he tells me he needs new shoes. I say go and pick some up, but he doesn't and I would feel bad to make another purchase after my desperately needed new shoes a few weeks ago. I can't believe I wear through them in only 300ish miles.