Friday, December 10, 2004

Up and Adam

Up and Adam has a whole different meaning for me than most. I woke up and looked at my darling husband, who was in pain from falling of the bunk bed ladder he had propped up against the wall in order to reach a particular bear from the pot shelf for Victoria. Unfortunately, as you can imagine the ladder slipped and Adam fell. I ate a quick fuel breakfast and tried rubbing the pain out of his back before my run this morning. He is so sweet! I told Victoria that while it was very nice of daddy to get the bear down that we would no longer be doing that.
I had a decent run this morning. It wasn't as good of a run as last night though. Maybe it was that I pretty much doubled my route that was fresh and new last night minus the extra mile or so I added on an outside corner of my route.
I just figured out how to down load pictures off of the camera, and then down load them to a CD. I am hoping to now go to Sam's Club and make prints for $.20 a piece. Technology is both a pain in the butt and a money saver at the same time. We were able to take our own photo which we usually do anyways, but saved on developing a bunch of crummy pictures, not to mention we didn't have to see them other than the moment before I pushed delete on the camera. If all goes well I should get most of our Christmas cards out today. Boy it sure is a good thing that I was up and Adam at quarter to 8 this morning!


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