Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Butterflies and goosebumps

Have you ever had to go out on stage and perform and felt almost sick. I have and it never gets any easier. It doesn't matter how prepaired or unprepaired I am, I still get butterflies in my stomache and goosebumps. I must burn a bunch of extra calories! I also usually have to go to the bathroom. Holy cow, nerves are a pretty powerful thing. I can't imagine commiting some kind of crime and trying to seem cool and collected about it, it's a good thing I haven't taken up a life of crime. I probably couldn't live with myself. I would be miserable. So, your probabaly wondering what production I am a part of, to which I would answer, none really. I am suppose to run, God willing, a half-marathon and everytime someone asks me about it or I even briefly think about it I get a bad case of the performance jitters. Wow, I have never really trained for a race like I did for this one, but holy cow am I nervous. I keep telling myself, worst case scenario I don't finish because I am undertrained or injured, and neither would kill me. I followed a training regimen that was provided by someone affiliated with the race coordinators. I hope it will have been enough. I really enjoyed the training so I am trying to look at this as the prize for making it through the training uninjured. I am definately excited and nervous more like when you head to Disneyland for the first time, but I can't wait until I am running it and passing the 7 mile marker when I know I am more than half way there.


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