Saturday, July 30, 2005

Funk and Freedom in not choosing selfishness!

This past week has been ridiculous, however you spell it. I had a really hard time getting going anytime before 1 p.m. I had that whole there's nothing to have to be up for and I'm miserable and don't want to function thing going on. However, Tuesday through Thursday we had dinner with others, once away and twice in our home. I found when I had to function to prepair for company and dinner, it was like pushing a heavy barrel through thick mud, it took a while to turn 'er over, but once I got moving things perked up. I reallize that any attitude I choose to hold is my choice. I can choose to be a stick in the mud, which isn't good for me or anyone around me, or I can pull myself up by my boot straps and though it might be hard to get moving, I know I'll be happier, healthier, and more enjoyable if I do. I was reading a comment Amy had made on someone elses blog and reallized that I could probably from an outsiders view in the mornings be questioned as to whether or not I really loved my family, laying around feeling sorry for myself. I so do love them, and reallize that I need to be in a better place for them, at the very least, and really it will be better for me too. It's funny how that doing for others usually ends up being better for ones self as well.


At 3:14 AM, Blogger Amy said...

Could that be why God puts us in community with other believers??

At 3:37 AM, Blogger MrH said...



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